Reserve Section: The reserve section is comprised of closed shelves so the users must request the books they want to borrow from the person in charge at the desk. Only two (2) books are allowed to be requested at a time. Reserve books borrowed overnight should be returned on or before 9:00 a.m. the next day. Php5.00 will be charge every hour that the book is not returned. The maximum charge is PhP50.00 per day. Reservation and claiming reserve books are allowed after 3:00 p.m.
Circulation Section: The circulation section contains open shelves so the users can go to the shelves and look for the books they want to use. The books on the shelves are arranged by call numbers (based on LCCS). The number of books allows to be borrowed depends on the type of patrons. Borrowing and returning of the books are done at the circulation desk. Books not returned within the due date are fined PhP2.00 per day.
General Reference Section: The general reference section is also made up of open stacks so the users can go to the shelves and look for the materials they want to use. Materials in this section are for room use only but can be photocopied.
Theses and Periodicals Section: The theses and periodicals section is closed shelves, so the users need to request the theses and periodicals at the charging desk. Periodicals may be photocopied, but the theses may not be photocopied. Users can only borrow two (2) materials at a time.