ACM Digital Library
The ACM Digital Library is the world’s leading publisher of scientific and technical information and conference organizer in the field of computing. The read-only subscription to the ACM Digital Library includes:
– 60 peer reviewed scholarly journals; – 2 fully Open Access peer reviewed scholarly journals; – 7 technical magazines; – ACM’s complete collection of conference proceedings containing over 2,500 volumes of scholarly materials; and – 37 technical newsletters sponsored by ACM’s technical Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Training/Resources (User Guide): https://libraries.acm.org/training-resources Up-to-date List of the contents: https://dl.acm.org/about/content
 Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
Academic Search Complete is the world’s most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full-text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals. Other EBSCO research databases included in the collection: – Art & Architecture Source – Business Source Ultimate – eBook Collection – Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature (H.W. Wilson) – ERIC – GreenFILE – Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts – MAS Ultra – School Edition – Military & Government Collection – Primary Search – Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia – American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933 – 1955
More EBSCO information services: – EBSCO Discovery Service – Publication Finder Interface – eBooks Mobile App
 Cambridge Core Cambridge Core is the home of academic content from Cambridge University Press. Built with the users in mind, this online platform has been designed to help readers and researchers to make fast and easy journeys to a vast range of valuable content. Cambridge Core is the place to find valuable, useful and inspirational research and academic information. With over 1.6 million journal articles and 36,000+ books. Cambridge Core provides a wide array of resources, and these resources are commonly requested by faculty and students. Our current subscription covers 404 journal titles.
 Emerald Insight Boasting a portfolio of over 300 journals, Emerald Insight is home to more than 255,000 current and backfile articles across the fields of business, management, economics, engineering, computing, technology, and social sciences. Bringing together theories and expertise from industries and communities around the world – representing the work of over 58,000 expert authors from more than 140 countries. All journals are double-blind peer-reviewed, supported by a network of over 15,000 Editorial Advisory Board members.
Coverage of Emerald subscription from UP System – Emerald eJournal Premier Collection
 JSTOR JSTOR offers a high-quality, interdisciplinary archive to support scholarship and teaching. It includes archives of over one thousand leading academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other materials valuable for academic work. JSTOR Arts and Sciences Collection I-XI cover the following disciplines:
– Arts & Sciences I – Core research and society publications in the represented disciplines – Arts & Sciences II – Adds depth to many disciplines introduced in Arts & Sciences I in addition to offering core titles in new disciplines – Arts & Sciences III – Draws on titles across the language, performing, and visual arts; features the largest cluster of titles on Eastern and Western religions on JSTOR; includes all titles from the Music Collection – Arts & Sciences IV – Includes noteworthy student-run law reviews, featuring more than a century of top legal scholarship accessible for research across other fields of study – Arts & Sciences V – Includes important literary reviews and state historical titles; widens the scope of core disciplines in the arts and humanities. – Arts & Sciences VI – Extends coverage in disciplines across the social sciences; adds international depth to disciplines extensively covered in other Arts & Sciences collections – Arts & Sciences VII – Focused on more than 30 arts, humanities, and social science disciplines on JSTOR, as well as business, finance, and health science fields; captures titles that cross discipline boundaries, with titles in more disciplines than in any other JSTOR collection – Arts & Sciences VIII – Broadens coverage of core humanities disciplines; features rare 19th- and early 20th-century American art periodicals from the Frick, the Met, and the Brooklyn Museum; contains noteworthy titles such as Poetry and BOMB – Arts & Sciences IX – Widens JSTOR’s coverage in business and the social sciences; contains journals published in over 25 countries; signed content begins in 1853 – Arts & Sciences X – Social science journals with a focus on science and social science theory, data, and analysis; includes new disciplines such as Transportation Studies and Development Studies – Arts & Sciences XI – Contains content from 15 countries; includes premier titles such as The American Scholar, RSA Journal, and Black Scholar; current journals ,br> available for 25 titles from 8 publishers – JSTOR Business I-IV JSTOR offers a high-quality, interdisciplinary archive to support scholarship and teaching. It includes archives of over one thousand leading academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other materials valuable for academic work.
– JSTOR Business I-IV Collections cover the following disciplines: The 48 titles in the Business I Collection are drawn from Arts & Sciences I, II, and IV. The collection brings together core titles in economics and finance, including publications from leading scholarly societies and a range of critical research journals in accounting, labor relations, marketing, management, operations research, and risk assessment. Business II features more than 60 titles, all of which are drawn from Arts & Sciences IV, VI, and VII. The collection broadens the range of international business titles and includes a number of journals that explore the intersections between economics and law, policy, and psychology. Business III covers core business fields such as economics, business administration, and finance; features a robust group of non-U.S. titles as well as prominent titles in public administration, business history, accounting, management, and marketing With more than 50 titles, the Business IV Collection builds on the strong economics and business foundation of the Business I, II, and III Collections. Business IV increases JSTOR’s coverage in core fields such as economics, management, industrial relations, and finance, with a broad international scope. The collection will also contain prominent titles in microeconomics (especially behavioral, labor, health, urban, and development economics) and management (including supply chain management and decision science). Notable Titles: – Oxford Review of Economic – Policy – Cambridge Journal of Economics – Journal of Economics – Monthly Labor Review – National Tax Journal » Access: On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus). » Subscription duration: 2020-2021
Unlicensed Collections JSTOR and our publishing partners are committed to serving the scholarly community during this challenging time. Together, we are providing our participating academic institutions with free access to journals and primary sources they do not already license. Archive Journal Collections – Arts & Sciences I-XV – Business IV – Ecology & Botany II – Hebrew Journals – Ireland – Jewish Studies – Life Sciences
Thematic Collections – Lives of Literature – Security Studies – Sustainability
Primary Source Collections – 19th Century British Pamphlets – World Heritage Sites: Africa – Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa – Global Plants
 Mendeley Is a desktop and web program produced by Elsevier for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data, and collaborating online. It combines Mendeley Desktop, a PDF and reference management application available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It also provides Mendeley for Android and iOS, with Mendeley Web, an online social network for researchers.
 Odilo content of all types (eBooks, eAudiobooks, eVideos and eMusic) anywhere, anytime, from your computer, tablet, eReader, or smartphone. See here for a list of titles in ODILO Digital Library: ODILO Digital Library Titles
PressReader is a digital newspaper distribution and technology company with headquarters in Vancouver, Canada and offices in Dublin, Ireland and Manila, Philippines. PressReader distributes digital versions of over 7,000 newspapers and magazines in more than 60 languages through its applications for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac and various e-readers as well as its website, and operates digital editions of newspapers and magazines for publishers, including The New York Times*, The Washington Post and The Globe and Mail.
 ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT)
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global is the world’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, offering millions of works from thousands of universities. Each year hundreds of thousands of works are added. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to the present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
— We also have some guides posted on the UPD Main Library website on ProQuest. – How to Search ProQuest
 SAGE Premier SAGE Premier is the largest journal package offered by SAGE. SAGE Premier Journals has a portfolio that includes more than 1,000 journals, 1,100,000+ articles with temporary access to deep back files dated from 1999, and 500+ societies. SAGE is proud to publish the market leading journal in ten Social Science Citation Index categories: Cultural Studies, Education and Educational Research, Special Education, Family Studies, History and Philosophy of Science (SCIE), Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Social Psychology, Rehabilitation, Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods, Social Work, History & Philosophy of Science, and Orthopedics.
Contents: International in scope | Peer-reviewed | High-quality | Interdisciplinary journal content – High impact: nearly 56% of SAGE’s journal content is ranked in the 2018 Journal Citation Reports® (Web of Science Group, 2019)* – Scholarly and professional: research published in partnership with more than 500 key societies – Interdisciplinary: exceptional discipline coverage spanning the humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, and medicine
Discoverability Consistent journal indexing | High visibility – Discovery services: journals are indexed in Summon (ProQuest), World Cat Discovery (OCLC), Primo Central (Ex Libris) and EDS (EBSCO) – E-Resource Management Services (ERM): weekly feeds that comply with KBART (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools) to all major ERMs – Subject databases: many SAGE journals also included in discipline-specific databases and discovery tools, such as PubMed, Scopus, and many more
Access Multi-device | Cutting edge | Enhanced experience; – Responsive design: allowing a seamless multi-device experience – Enhanced experience: including clear PDF download options and article metrics powered by Altmetric.com – Usage statistics: COUNTER 5 compliant and available for download
 Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature™ includes indexing of over 450 periodicals as far back as 1983. Subject coverage includes antiques, arts, business, computers, education, entertainment, film & television, gardening, health & medicine, history, home improvement, literature, news & current events, photography, popular & classical music, politics, popular culture, religion, science, sports & fitness, transportation, travel and much more.
 ScienceDirect The world’s largest electronic collection of science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information. Subjects with current contents (1995 to date): Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Arts and Humanities; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Business, Management and Accounting; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Computer Science; Decision Sciences; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Energy; Engineering; Environmental Science; Health Sciences; Immunology and Microbiology; Neuroscience; Psychology; Physics and Astronomy; and Social Sciences. Subjects with archives (Backfiles) (issues published before 1995): Chemical Engineering; Energy and Power; Environmental Science; Inorganic Chemistry; Mathematics; Social Science; Forensic Medicine, Pathology & Medical Technology; Orthopedics, Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation; and Public Health & Health Policy. [Funded by the Philippine eLib].
See here for a list of titles in ScienceDirect. To avail of the remote access to ScienceDirect (SD) and Scopus databases, please follow these steps: If you do not have a SD or Scopus account yet, please register first. 1. Go to the ScienceDirect website www.sciencedirect.com 2. Click Register at the upper right corner. 3. Enter your account information. For the email, you are required use an email address that ends with one of the following:
o up.edu.ph o upb.edu.ph o upcebu.edu.ph o upd.edu.ph o uplb.edu.ph o upm.edu.ph o upmin.edu.ph o upou.edu.ph o upv.edu.ph
Once you have registered, you may proceed to enable remote access for your SD and Scopus account. 1. Go the SD remote access page Activate Access 2. Enter the same UP Mail address you used for registration. 3. Check your UP Mail inbox for a confirmation email with the subject ScienceDirect – Remote access request confirmation. Look into your Spam folder if you do not see the email.
After confirmation, whenever you visit to SD or Scopus you will now see a UP badge at the top of the screen (Brought to you by University of the Philippines). This indicates that you are using the UP Library remote access. You can now login to SD or Scopus from outside UP campus.
 SciVal SciVal offers quick, easy access to research performance of more than 19,400 research institutions and their associated researchers from 231 nations worldwide.
To avail of the remote access to ScienceDirect (SD), Scopus and SciVal databases, please follow these steps: If you do not have a Elsevier account yet, please register first. 1. Go to the ScienceDirect website www.sciencedirect.com 2. Click Register at the upper right corner. 3. Enter your account information. For the email, you are required to use an email address that ends with one of the following: o up.edu.ph o upb.edu.ph o upcebu.edu.ph o upd.edu.ph o uplb.edu.ph o upm.edu.ph o upmin.edu.ph o upou.edu.ph o upv.edu.ph
Once you have registered, you may proceed to enable remote access for your SD and Scopus account. 1. Go to the SD remote access page www.sciencedirect.com/science/activateaccess 2. Enter the same UP Mail address you used for registration. 3. Check your UP Mail inbox for a confirmation email with the subject ScienceDirect – Remote access request confirmation. Look into your Spam folder if you do not see the email.
After confirmation, whenever you visit to SD, Scopus or SciVal you will now see a UP badge at the top of the screen (Brought to you by University of the Philippines). This indicates that you are using the UP Library remote access. You can now login to SD Scopus or SciVal from outside UP campus.
 Scopus Scopus, launched in November 2004, is the largest abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. With over 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 publishers, Scopus offers researchers a quick, easy, and comprehensive resource to support their research needs in the scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences fields and, more recently, also in the arts and humanities.
To avail of the remote access to ScienceDirect (SD), Scopus and SciVal databases, please follow these steps: If you do not have a Elsevier account yet, please register first. 1. Go to the ScienceDirect website www.sciencedirect.com 2. Click Register at the upper right corner. 3. Enter your account information. For the email, you are required to use an email address that ends with one of the following: o up.edu.ph o upb.edu.ph o upcebu.edu.ph o upd.edu.ph o uplb.edu.ph o upm.edu.ph o upmin.edu.ph o upou.edu.ph o upv.edu.ph
Once you have registered, you may proceed to enable remote access for your SD and Scopus account. 1. Go to the SD remote access page www.sciencedirect.com/science/activateaccess 2. Enter the same UP Mail address you used for registration. 3. Check your UP Mail inbox for a confirmation email with the subject ScienceDirect – Remote access request confirmation. Look into your Spam folder if you do not see the email.
After confirmation, whenever you visit to SD or Scopus you will now see a UP badge at the top of the screen (Brought to you by University of the Philippines). This indicates that you are using the UP Library remote access. You can now login to SD or Scopus from outside UP campus.
Statista is a German company specializing in market and consumer data. Its platform contains more than 1,000,000 statistics on more than 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and 170 different industries.
Product includes: – Statistics (Statistics, forecasts & surveys, infographics, topic pages) – Reports (Dossiers & DossierPlus, Statista studies, industry & country reports, external studies) – Outlooks (Digital market, consumer market, mobility market, country, advertising & media, technology market, industry) – Infographics
 Taylor & Francis Online Taylor & Francis Online is the home of over 2,400 online journals across Science, Technology and Medicine and Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.
The Social Sciences & Humanities Collection package covers the following subject areas: – Anthropology & Archaeology – Arts & Humanities – Business, Management & Economics – Criminology & Law Education – Geography, Planning, Urban & Environment – Library & Information Science – Media, Cultural & Communication Studies – Mental Health & Social Care – Psychology – Politics, International Relations & Area Studies – Sociology & Related Disciplines – Sport, Leisure & Tourism – Strategic, Defense & Security Studies
See here for a list of titles in Taylor & Francis Social Sciences and Humanities Collection. Taylor & Francis Journal Articles by Authors from University of the Philippines
 Wiley Academic Books (VitalSource) Newly-subscribed e-books via VitalSource – Easy access to over 20,000 leading titles – Online & Offline access, anytime and anywhere – Wide selection of subjects & academic textbooks – Easy to search, translate & make notes – Only 10 books borrowed at a time per user — return the book to borrow other titles Loan period of 3 days
 Web of Science The world’s largest publisher-neutral citation index and research intelligence platform.
– InCites Note: This database requires a new user registration on their website. To register, select one of the above buttons then click Register an email address below the login prompt. InCites is a citation-based evaluation tool for academic and government administrators to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark output against peers and aspirational peers in a national or international context.
– Journal Citation Reports Journal Citation Reports aggregates the meaningful connections of citations created by the research community through the delivery of a rich array of publisher-independent data, metrics and analysis of the world’s most impactful journals included in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), part of the Web of Science Core Collection.
– Essential Science Indicators Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is an analytical tool that helps you identify top-performing research in Web of Science Core Collection. ESI surveys more than 11,000 journals from around the world to rank authors, institutions, countries, and journals in 22 broad fields based on publication and citation performance. Data covers a rolling 10-year period and includes bimonthly updates to rankings and citation counts.
– EndNote Note: This database requires a new user registration on their website. To register, select the above button then click Register to the right of the login prompt.
EndNote is reference management software with features to— – Keep all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal library. – Synchronize your references between up to three of your personal computers, an online library, and your iPad or iPhone through EndNote Sync. (You must be the owner and user of all three computers.) – Set up a library sharing team and effortlessly collaborate with up to 100 co-authors and colleagues. – Cite your references in word processing documents to create formatted citations and bibliographies or independent reference lists.
Guides to Web of Science Platform – Web of Science Platform (OVERVIEW) – Web of Science Core Collection – What’s New in Web of Science? – Web of Science Raw Data – URL Video
 Wiley Wiley Online Library is a subscription-based library of John Wiley & Sons. It is a collection of online resources covering life, health, and physical sciences as well as social science and the humanities. To its members, Wiley Online Library delivers access to over 4 million articles from 1,600 journals, more than 22,000 books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols, and databases from John Wiley & Sons and its imprints, including Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH, and Jossey-Bass.
Subjects: – Agriculture, Aquaculture & Food Science – Architecture & Planning – Art & Applied – Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting – Chemistry – Computer Science & Information Technology – Earth, Space & Environmental Sciences – Humanities – Law & Criminology – Life Sciences – Mathematics & – Statistics – Medicine – Nursing, Dentistry & Healthcare – Physical Sciences & Engineering – Psychology – Social & Behavioral Sciences – Veterinary Medicine